15 November 2021-Ambassador Ma. Teresita C. Daza met with the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA), part of the Chile´s Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism, on 15 November 2021 at SUBPESCA’s headquarters in Valparaiso. SUBPESCA is tasked to regulate and manage fisheries and aquaculture in Chile through policy formulation based on scientific and technical reports as well as through assessment of current social and economic variables. The Office also provides special emphasis on sustainable development in the field of aquaculture and fisheries. The undersigned was joined by Consul Dennis Briones and Secretary and Special Assistant Paula Rodriguez, while the Undersecretary was joined by Ms. Jacqueline Salas of SUBPESCA’s International Affairs Unit.
The meeting served as an opportunity for the undersigned to update SUBPESCA about Santiago PE’s completed programs during this 75th PHL-CHL anniversary year as well as to congratulate Undersecretary Gallardo for being the first woman to be appointed to lead SUBPESCA—a highly important position given the value of aquaculture and fisheries to Chile’s overall economy. The meeting similarly served as a means to discuss ways forward with the MOU on Fisheries and Aquaculture between BFAR and SERNAPESCA (Chile’s National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service). END