PHL Ambassador Ma. Teresita C. Daza (left) joins Chilean Minister of Agriculture Maria Emilia Undurraga (right) during the signing ceremony in Santiago. 

(SANTIAGO, 17 November 2021) The Philippine Embassy in Santiago, Chile, witnessed the signing of the Philippines-Chile Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperation in Agriculture at the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture’s headquarters in central Santiago yesterday, 17 November 2021.  The MOU was signed by Chilean Ministry of Agriculture Maria Emilia Undurraga Marímon on the part of Chile which will thereafter be signed by Philippine Department of Agriculture Secretary William D. Dar, Ph.D days after transmittal to the Philippines.

In her opening remarks, Minister Undurraga highlighted the positive momentum of Philippines-Chile relations, particularly during this 75th Anniversary year, and added that there are still many opportunities for growth in several areas and fronts.  The Minister also underscored the overall importance of the two countries’ cooperation not just in agriculture, but equally in ensuring food security and in facing the bigger challenges of climate change, adaptation and mitigation.

Philippine Ambassador Ma. Teresita Daza emphasized the importance of agriculture for both countries’ economies through revenue and employment generation, as well as the sector’s crucial role in food security, development and growth of peoples. She mentioned the numerous agricultural challenges faced by the two countries such as prioritizing small and medium farming industries, investing in technology, machinery and equipment, supporting modernization and innovation, and responding to climate change. The Ambassador also stressed the importance of the MOU as it endeavors to promote technical, economic and commercial cooperation, such as agricultural policies research and education, market study, science and innovation, organic agriculture, digital agriculture and trade and investment.

Ambassador Claudio Rojas of the Chilean Embassy in Manila closed the ceremony by welcoming this new phase in Philippines-Chile bilateral relationship as exemplified by the signing of the MOU on Cooperation in Agriculture in addition to the signing of the MOU on the Establishment of a Joint Economic Cooperation back in March. Ambassador Rojas also expressed the importance of organizing the Joint Technical Working Group between the Department of Agriculture and Chile’s Ministry of Agriculture soonest and the pilot-testing of programs in line with the scope of the MOU.

Also present to witness the signing from the Chilean side were Ambassador Carlo Olguin – Director of DIRAPAC (MFA Directorate for Asia and the Pacific), Consul Marco Navarro of the Chilean Embassy in Manila (online), National Director María José Irarrázaval of ODEPA (National Office for Agrarian Policies and Studies), Mr. Jose Miguel Rodriguez – Head of ODEPA International Affairs Division, and Mr. Fernando Balart – Agricultural Attaché of Chile for Asia (online).  Also representing the Philippine side were First Secretary and Consul Dennis John C. Briones of the Philippine Embassy in Santiago, and Secretary and Assistant to the Head of Post Paula Rodriquez.

The signing of the MOU was one of the key deliverables to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between the Philippines and Chile this year. Other agreements under negotiation include cooperation in culture, tourism, aquaculture and fisheries, and maritime concerns. END